2024-2025 School Improvement Team Members
James Williams, Administration |
Beth White, Administration |
Carmen Money, Instructional Technology Facilitator |
Kristi Monto, Student Services |
Laurel Reisen, Media Coordinator |
Lara Cabaniss , STEM Coach |
Brittany Brooks, ML Teacher |
Debbie Boswell, Treasurer |
Jennifer Petersen, K |
Audrey Miller, 1st Grade Teacher |
Maria Palacio, 2nd Grade Teacher |
Martha Smith, 3rd Grade Teacher |
Latoya Wells-Zeigler, 4th Grade Teacher |
Shannon Greene, 5th Grade Teacher |
Rachel French, Parent Representative |
Leslie Godinez, Parent Representative |
Zaheena Kashif, Parent Representative |
Meeting Dates:
All meetings will be held at 3:30pm in the Media Center. Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year are:
The purpose of our school level team is to review school wide data, design, monitor, and implement a plan for school improvement, and establish a shared decision-making process and communication among all stakeholders. All meetings are open to the public and will focus on student achievement, quality STEM instruction, and student wellness.
SIP Access:
The school level improvement plan can be found on the Indistar website and accessed by using the following username: GuestS15709 and password: GuestS15709.
Follow this link for our School's plan information
and use these Guest credentials: GuestS15709 / GuestS15709